Morning Docket: 02.29.24

* Harvard seeking new GC to deal with ever worsening hellstorm surrounding higher education in 2024. Good luck! [Corporate Counsel]

* Kasowitz Benson is on a run of suing clients over unpaid fees. Having previously represented a client notorious for not paying legal bills, maybe the firm has learned a lesson about taking chances with collection? [American Lawyer]

* “The Dopest Lawyer in town” is admittedly a great marketing move for a marijuana attorney. [San Antonio-Express News]

* Don’t write threatening letters to judges. [Law360]

* Republicans begin internecine war over allowing RNC funds to pay Trump’s legal bills. [Time]

* Elon Musk is suing hate speech groups for pointing out that hate speech happens on X. [Reuters]

* Judges transitioning to Biglaw life have to “start at the beginning.” As much as it’s “starting at the beginning” to jump immediately into earning several million dollars a year. [Bloomberg Law News]

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