Bihar School Examination Board Mandates Monthly Exams for Class 11 Students

The exams are scheduled to start on January 22.

Rajnikant Praveen, the District Education Officer says that they have received instructions from the examination controller of Bihar School Examination Board.

In a recent directive from the Bihar School Examination Board, Class 11 students in Bihar Board schools are now obligated to participate in the monthly examinations. These exams are slated to take place from January 22 to January 30. Rajnikant Praveen, the District Education Officer, conveyed that instructions were received from the examination controller of the Bihar School Examination Board, underscoring the compulsory nature of these monthly exams. Failure to appear for these exams will render students ineligible for subsequent examinations.

The education department office will provide prepared question papers to the respective school representatives, with the Bihar School Examination Board responsible for their creation. The examination dates scheduled for this month are between January 22 and 30, with January 26 and January 28 being exempted for Republic Day and Sunday, respectively.

These exams will be conducted in two shifts. Commencing on January 22, the first shift will cover the physics exam, followed by the second shift featuring chemistry and political science exams. The subsequent days will follow a consistent pattern. On January 23, students will undertake exams for maths and English. January 24 is designated for the Hindi exam. January 25 will include Sanskrit and Persian exams in the first shift, with psychology in the second shift. Moving to January 27, the history exam is scheduled for the first shift, followed by the music exam in the second shift. January 29 will feature economics and agriculture exams in the first shift, and sociology in the second. The final day, January 30, will conclude with the Home Science exam.

Students must adhere to the stipulated schedule and actively participate in these monthly exams, as non-compliance may affect their eligibility for subsequent examinations. These monthly examinations play a pivotal role in evaluating the academic progress of Class 11 students in Bihar Board schools. Students are urged to prepare diligently and take advantage of this assessment opportunity to enhance their understanding of the curriculum.

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